Envisioning transformation in learning to assure Africa’s success in the digital economy...

Africa’s growth in the 21st century is inextricably linked to the transformation of its learning and skills development systems. With a student population of over 245M today, the intractable challenges of managing the complex systems for delivering education in environments of significant resource constraints, is likely to, without transformative interventions, worsen to crisis status in many countries.

Africa is on the cusp of its first demographic transition of the modern era, where the working age population is projected to not only be among the largest in the world(by 2030, it’s projected to be 600M) but also, if productively deployed, could fuel what is called a demographic dividend, resulting primarily is higher rates of economic growth and sharp reductions in poverty. Having populations of relevant skills is positively correlated with the conditions needed to enable that demographic dividend.

Creating differentiated value through Human Capital Development in Sub Saharan Africa.

At Koya Capital. we believe technology has the power to empower people of all abilities. Our commitment is to build shared purpose partnerships with governments across Sub Saharan Africa to help them transform their human capital to alleviate poverty, leveraging technology and smart finance to fuel lasting economic growth.

“Koya” means learning in Hausa

Our Vision: To empower, create and harness value in the digital economy.
Our Mission: To leverage technology to transform lifelong learning for 21st century relevance.

Today in Africa


million children

Will reach adolescence with limited Literacy and Numeracy



School children across Sub Saharan Africa



School age children out of school



Youth unemployment


Population under 15


Median age

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